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Envelope Adressing

Outer Envelope Only $2.50/envelope

Inner Envelope Only $1.25/name

Inner/Outer Envelope Set $3.00/set


*This pricing does not include return addresses*

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Small Custom Projects

Smaller custom projects typically range from $25-$75, depending on the size, materials needed, and complexity of the project! It could be less or more, but lets chat to determine exactly what you need!

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Place Cards/Table Cards


Guest Name Only $1.00/name

Guest Name & Table Number $1.50/name



Table Numbers $2.00

Table Names $4.00

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Large Custom Projects

Large custom projects range from $100+ depending on the size and complexity of the project! The way I like to price my larger projects is to start at $100 and add on $50 per hour it takes to finish the project! The mirror shown took about 2 hours, to give you an idea!

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